Thursday, June 01, 2006

Oh Wonderful Thursday!

Thursdays are fast becoming my favorite day of the week. Why? Well, I have nothing to do on Thursdays. I don't have to work. I just get to hang out and do whatever.

So, today, I have big plans. Clean out the kitty litter (the one downside of Thursdays) do some yoga, finish my book. (
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles) Then, tonight, LJ, Dude and I are taking H out to dinner for a late celebration of her birthday. I think we're going to end up going to the Olive Garden.

So, I get to wrap her present all pretty. My friends think I'm a loser because I put a lot of effort into making sure a present looks pretty. I think the prettier the package, the more I love the person.

That's how my mom is too. She told me today that she's proud of the fact that I'm like her. I said: Why? Because I'm a space cadet who can't focus? (at the time I was doing 3 different things completely unrelated: having a conversation with her, trying to wrap H's present, typing an email to R, and get me some more coffee... So I guess that's 4. Go me!)I don't know what the point of this paragraph is. Hm.

Ok, well I should probably get on that kitty litter. My dad's complaining that it smells like ass. (Whatever, it's totally not that bad.)


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