Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Camping Part I: "And then I found $5".

We drove for a total of 5 hours. We had some great music playing for most of the ride, a lot of it hip hop. Someday, I'll compile the ultimate Wisconsin road trip cd. For the record, Fabio is not allowed to contribute... turns out he has awful taste in driving music. Blech

We got to the campsite and started setting up. LJ noticed the site was reserved for Thursday and Friday instead of Friday and Saturday. Dun dun DUN! So, she went back to talk to the reservation chicks (or the old lady and the high school dropout as Fabio referred to them as) and straighten it out while Fabio and I continued to set up.

Just as a side note... while setting up my cot, I totally got my finger caught in one of the hinges resulting in a huge blood blister. Major grody.

LJ got back and informed us that they did indeed have our reservation in the system incorrectly. And! There was nothing they could do to correct it. We'd just have to wait for tomorrow to see if a campsite opened up. So, we didn't even know if we'd be able to stay all weekend. We could end up homeless in Hudson! We figured we'd better live it up tonight.

Fabio got the fire started. (The only one he was able to start all weekend... silly boyscout.) It was going pretty good when... WHOOSH! It started downpouring. Somehow, the fire managed to not go out. LJ was cutting chicken in pouring rain. (we were having shishkabobs for dinner.) Then, we all cowered around the fire trying to cook it. It actually turned out really good. I would recommend campfire chicken to all y'all.

Shortly after that, the rain stopped. The rest of the night consisted of chilling by the fire: drinking, smoking too much, dance party in the woods, and some lively games of Ratfink (or Egyptian Ratfuck depending on where you're from?)

Good times. Good times.

Then we went to bed.


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