Monday, June 26, 2006

A funny thing happened...

I got into work today and received an email. It said "Congratulations to Shanghai for winning the gift certificate to the mall for a job well done!"

What??? Are you kidding me? I hate my job. I mess up all the time. I'm always late or calling in. And you're giving me a reward? I don't mind free cash money... but seriously, why are they encouraging this kind of behavior? I was the only person to receive it on my team.

So my conclusion is: I rock!

I mean, you know how much I complain about my job, how much I thoroughly dislike it. Maybe their plan was to wake until I was almost completely fed up with it and then give me an incentive to stay. Do they read this? Creepy...

I'm actually going to complain about it a little bit more tonight. I've probably mentioned some of these things quite a few times before, but I'm going to list, for you dear reader, the top 5 things I hate about my job. (just watched High Fidelity)

1) I hate when old women call up and won't give me their phone number. They just expect me to send them out a free sample and never hear from them again? All we ask ladies is your opinion about the FREE product. We're not going to try and recruit you to join a cult or something.

2) I hate when old women won't tell me their age. I know you're old. Otherwise, you wouldn't be calling me about makeup for old women. I don't see what the big deal is. I don't know you; you don't know me. Are you so ashamed of your life that you can't admit that you're 55? or 65? or whatever? One woman was so offended by the question of her age that she hung up on me. She. Hung. Up. On. Me. That's ridiculous.

3) I hate how if I have to go to the bathroom, I have to then take a shorter break later on in the day. See, normally I get two 15 minute breaks and a half hour lunch. However, sometimes the schedule genius at my company makes me wait 4 hours in between breaks. I drink a lot of coffee, so naturally I need to pee every hour or so. So if I take a 4 minute bathroom break, that means that one of my breaks gets cut down to 11 minutes to make up for it. Is that bullshit? Or is that bullshit?

4) I hate when people can't hear me on the phone. I have a soft voice, yes. But most people have no problem hearing me. If you are hard of hearing, you should get some sort of assistance when you make phone calls. Don't expect me to speak up when I can hear your television blaring in the background louder than you're speaking. Turn off the tv and then call me.

5) I hate when people sit in a cube near me. I know this sounds stupid, but most of the people I work with talk louder than me. It distracts me quite a bit to hear 3 people around me saying the exact same thing as me. Imagine it: 4 people speaking in unison? Drives me nuts.

So, now I've vented. (in no particular order) Thanks for allowing me to do that. Wait a second... what am I talking about. Nobody reads this. You lucked out!

PS. Thank you spell check. I heart you.


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