Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Camping Part II: "I Saw a Turtle!"

Saturday, LJ and I woke up around 8 (in the morning!) to go figure out if we had a campsite for that evening. Turns out, because of the storms probably, there was a site open for us. So, we went back to our current site, made some coffee, and than packed it up.

Our new site was actually a lot prettier. It had a view of the lake. It was also way less buggier. (A huge plus since both LJ and I are afraid of everything spider.) We set up our tents again and then relaxed and read our books.

I started to get really sleepy though since we had only gotten 4 hours of sleep the night before. So I made some coffee and convinced everyone we needed to go hiking to Willow Falls.

It was about a mile walk. It was so worth it! Willow falls was beautiful. (Oh... on the trail there, I did actually see a little turtle.) There was also a sort of balcony overlooking the whole thing. It was 180 stairs to it though. But again, it was totally worth it. The view was amazing. Who knew Wisconsin was so beautiful? Well, I suppose I did... but I had never really seen it like this before.

That night we made dinner: potatoes & veggies (made by me!) hotdogs and baked beans right out of the can. Mmmmmm. Then my friends J and D stopped by to hang out for a little bit. I always miss J so it was really good to see him.

We went to bed pretty early, probably around 1. I woke up a few hours later really having to pee. Now, I'm afraid of the dark and apparently everything nature. So, I tried to wake up LJ but she was fast asleep. I didn't want to wake up Fabio either because... well that would be weird. So I went all by myself. It was super scary, but I made it back ok.

When I got back and sat down on my cot, the small rip on the side became a huge hole that wouldn't support me. I know right? That's bullshit. I had to sleep on the floor of the tent, which was still soaking wet from the rain. It was so wet it went right through my sleeping bag. Worst night in a tent ever...


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