Sunday, June 25, 2006

I know you see me as some sort of "booger man..."

I'm extremely tired right now. Why is it no matter how much I sleep, if I've had any alcohol, I'm still super tired? I hate that. You know what else I hate about being hung over? Wasting a full day. I haven't done anything today. I wanted to go biking today. But instead, I've watched a bunch of tv which I mentioned previously... now I'm having a little Simpsons marathon.

I think the smartest thing I've ever done is start my Simpsons collection. I have about 30 tapes of Simpsons episodes. (I know I'm cool...) It's so nice to be able to pop one of those tapes in and be entertained for a few hours. I actually like them more than the dvds I think. I almost never watch my Simpsons dvds. I'm old school like that I guess.

I'm not really sure why I decided that I needed to post anything again tonight. I really have very little to say. But, I was reading some blogs and it always kind of puts me in the mood to write something... even if I'm not saying anything.

Good Night!


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