Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Stupid Boys

What is wrong with Fabio? He's such an asshat lately.

Last night on myspace I put posted a message to all of my friends asking them questions about myself. It was all stupid questions like "what's my favorite food?" just to see how much your "friends" know about you. Well, Fabio responded to it. Here's what he put (my notes are in red...):

"It's a sad day when I'm bored enough to do surveys and questionaires.

Where/when did we meet: Dr. Jekylls, Oktober 2005

Take a stab at my middle name: Actually have no idea. But since you're a girl, it's likely to be Marie. It's not Marie. That's kind of an insult to all ladies to say we all have the same middle name.

How long have you known me: Um... about 9 months?

When is the last time that we saw each other: Friday, sort of

Do I smoke: Sometimes

Do I drink: Yes

What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me: Was very confused. Confused about what? He always gets on my case because I'm so "closed" as he puts it. He also is afraid of me because I'm a girl.

What's one of my favorite things to do: Read

Am I funny: Not big time, but more than the average person.

What's my favorite type of music: punk

What is the best feature about me: Personality-wise, you're very compromising. I think this is your best strength and also your biggest weakness. Physically, I have no idea. Nothing really stands out. nothing really stands out? what? this from a guy who just a week ago was telling me he was very attracted to me? asshat. I am not very compromising. I'm actually a huge bitch and if I don't get my way, I get pissed. So f that.

Am I shy or outgoing: Both

Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: Both

Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, gangsta or something else (what): I guess a preppy exterior with a hippie interior, perhaps.

I'm hot? Am I not? Go ahead, you can say ... : Unconventionally, yes. so that's a no...

What is my favorite food: I don't know. Does coffee count as a food?

Have you ever had a crush on me: Sort of.

If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be: There really isn't a good way to sum you up in a nickname. I think your birth name suits you just fine. Fabio always tells me how much he hates my birthname. He's only known bitches with that name. So, thanks!

What's your favorite memory of me: Nothing in particular stands out. Maybe you playing darts. Nothing in particular? How about that weekend we went camping? Or maybe the time we went to the zoo and bay beach? Or the leukemia benefit I went to with you? ASSHAT!

Who do I like right now: How should I know? It's not your condescending ass.

What is my worst habit: I can't say. But I guess smoking ranks a close second. Second? Please, enlighten me Fabio. What is my first worst habit? Huh? What can't you say? You don't have a problem saying anything else apparently.

If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing I would bring? If it were for a long time, I think the Risk board would be the most useful. A shorter time... maybe just a carton of smokes. Ok... that's a pretty good call.

Are we friends: Sort of.

Do you want us to be more than friends? No

Do I believe in God? Not in the Christian sense.

Am I family oriented? Quite.

What kind of car do I drive? A gold Saturn?"

What the f was that? Am I overreacting in thinking he's angry at me? I emailed him about it already, but I still needed to vent. Stupid boys.


Blogger idislikebush said...

oh my god, what is his deal? That is completely ridiculous. He is being a definite asshat.

6:41 AM


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