Sunday, July 02, 2006


Today was sort of a bust. I've pretty much been sleeping, eating, and watching the Simpsons all day. This is the problem with drinking. I think for the next few weeks or so I should try to stay away from the alcohol and the smoking. No good.

I'm not quite sure if I'm super sleepy still, or if I'm wide awake. I sort of fell asleep for a few hours and just woke up again. Does anybody else feel super hardcore groggy when they wake up? It's normally only when I take afternoon naps that I get that way. It is so weird.

I'm in a really good mood though right now. All I'm thinking about is the boy. You know right when you first start being interested in someone? How you can imagine that they're perfect? And perfect for you? Well, that's where I am right now. I know that that's not going to happen, because I've been here so many other times. But for right now, while I'm in my hazy/groggy state, I can totally imagine us being the perfect cute couple. Hehe. I feel like a little school girl.


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