Monday, September 13, 2010

4 Years Later...

Four years later and I'm married with my own home. Crazy.

Actually, I just got married last weekend. My husband is super awesome. We've been engaged since Christmas and decided to go ahead and make it official because I needed insurance. I got a new job that is really great and will look awesome on my resume, but it's for a small company that can't afford to provide me with health insurance. We decided that the best thing for me to do would be to accept the job and get married- since Alex has the best insurance I've ever seen.

And now we are happily married. Well- mostly happily married. One problem remains. His stepmother is a psychotic demon woman. And I use the term woman loosely. (cuz she looks like a dude. Ha!) Anyhow, because we were married by a judge, it's not a marriage- just a legal thing. (her words, not mine.) Because we did it with short notice and didn't ask her permission first, we are bad kids- 28 and 31 year old kids.

And now that we are planning the reception, she NEEDS to be involved, although I'm not sure why as she's not blood related to either of us and she doesn't seem to like us very much. My parents are paying for the reception with no help from his parents, but they think they need to be a part of it. Alex's dad actually told me that "traditionally, both sets of parents and the couple sit down and work it out." I'm pretty sure that's not a tradition. I think traditionally, the bride's parents pay for most of it. Right? Anyhow, shortly after arranging to have all three couples meet up and talk it out, his parents plan a big family reunion. Guess when? The weekend we are trying to set our reception date for. That's a weird coincidence. They knew we wanted it in October. And they now have plans for two of the weekends in October.

So what do we do? It's such short notice, we will have trouble scheduling anything as it is. And now we have more restrictions from them.

Sigh. But it's good to be back- even if no one's reading this and I'm only venting to the open air. It's still good.


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